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North side story 1

I started my journey as a part-timer for an energy company. This week, my assigned area was on the north side. I get a little thrill from traveling to different parts of Singapore as every town has it's own smell, colours and atmosphere. Old neighbourhood folks are mostly friendly and sweet-natured but there are also occasionally a few erratic ones.  I was chatting well through my conversation with a potential customer until I was interrupted by an angry voice, shouting: "Hey, you are not supposed to have your booth here!" I calmly looked at him and listened to all his angry words. I am not sure why I was not traumatised then, although I was a little afraid my customer would walk away. Somehow, after the man shouted, and I noted his reaction, apologised and told him I will move the booth. He walked away. And I continued my conversation with my customers as though nothing happened. At the back of my mind, I  wondered if the man was mad or is he reallyy the landlord. I

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