
My doctor said that I could ask for two days MC! I am happy! :P Is this consider God's favour? :P
My boss probably shouldn't be reading this but hey I relish the time to spend at home. Come to think of it, I have been at home for two whole days except to step out to buy prawn mee and see the doctor! Claps*

Started the CG on TAWG accountability. Wondered how's everyone doing. Or worse, has anyone even started?! I am suppose to message a member but sometimes I ask myself what is TAWG? If I only prayed and not read the Word, is it considered? What constitutes TAWG? If I have read a Psalm but felt nothing received or have truly mediated on it, is it considered TAWG? A meaningful TAWG I guess is the difference. We must remember that we are spending time in the presence of the LORD. I remember my meaningful TAWG was mostly in school days, gosh, that was so long ago.

It was a time of worship (crying out, pleading, interceding for souls, adoration in songs etc). And I could actually journal what I believe God is saying. I could read the past journals and felt amazed that God really spoke to me...how can 15 min be enough for TAWG? I have so many things to seek the Lord for! 15 min is not enough! But squezing time is a challenge. Perhaps the best is really to split up the time. 15 min in the morning, in the train, 15 min after lunch, 15 min while waiting for people, 15 min at home...

Mum and I visited a Chinese-speaking carecell in Circuit Road. I didn't really like to go to cell group of a home because usually it means bright white lights. Haha. This one, although it was lited with white lights, the atmosphere was relaxing, the home interiors was new and renovated and it was delightful to know that the district pastor was someone I knew during poly days! And one member who came in late was a pushcart stall seller in Suntec. What a divinely small world! I guess it is easier to find connections here and there from a big church. There were many laughters in the CG, and the CGL was good at affirming, people are eager to ask for prayers, and members gave testimonies and thanksgiving! Actually my YA CG is not far from that also...I could implement a habit of thanksgiving and testimonies...I will start it tomorrow during CG dinner!  One thing that the CGL did which I did not expect was to tell my mum about the structure of the CG (that is the 5 Gs) and the culture of the CG. Thought I could do that too - to orientate a new member...

Oh no time to go to sleep soon, tomorrow is back to work! Yes, I still got a job at least.


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